Root Canal Treatment (RCT) or Endodontic Treatment
Root Canal Treatment doesn’t cause pain, it relieves it
If you are at the dental clinic in PHUKET, whenever your teeth have infection, you may think, why not have them removed? This is not a good idea – nothing will look, feel or function like your own natural tooth. Root Canal Treatment will be the very first choice of the dental treatment to save the tooth.
Why Do You Need RCT?
Our dentists in Phuket would consider performing RCT when the tooth is found with the following problems:
– The dental pulp (caries exposed pulp) is involved in the decay or the dental caries.
– Fracture or any crack line that damages the dental pulp.
– An enamel that is worn out until it starts damaging the dental pulp.
– Periodontal disease Infection.
– The presence of a history of trauma and the dental pulp inflammation or infection has been left untreated.
How is the Root Canal Treatment performed?
At New Smile Dentists dental clinic in Patong Phuket, an Endodontist (a specialist for RCT) will be the one doing the RCT for our patients using the Latest Technology in Root Canal Treatment.
The following outline are the steps of Root Canal Treatment:
– First examining and taking x-ray of the tooth to assess the initial condition prior to treatment.
– The endodontist will then administer a local anesthesia numbing the tooth and then isolate the field of the operation from the rest of the mouth by placing rubber dam.
– The endodontist will then start cleaning and shaping the root canals. This step is for the infected tissue eradication and preparation for the root filling material.
– After the endodontist goes through the preparation stage, the root canals will be filled with a rubber-like substance known as gutta-percha which is a root canal filling. Another temporary filling follows on top of gutta-percha, ready for the ultimate restoration.
After the completion of the root canal treatment, the dentist will put either a dental crown or other permanent filling on the tooth to restore it to full functioning.
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Latest Technology in Root Canal Treatment at NewSmileDentists Phuket……
As you know, the RCT thrives by the tooth preservation, our endodontist will prioritize in saving the natural tooth. And this is where DENTAL MICROSCOPES and 3D IMAGING are introduced.
At New Smile Dentists Phuket, our endodontists make use of DENTAL MICROSCOPES throughout the root canal treatment. High magnification and illumination of the surgical area can reveal fine details, aiding the specialists in managing any difficult case with enhanced accuracy.
With 3D IMAGING SYSTEM the specialists are helped to make more informed diagnosis decisions, establish an improved treatment plan with an enhanced performance during the treatment process. This 3D imaging will help the specialists to have a better visual to treat the areas radiographically and intraorally or have the capacity to pinpoint calcified canals efficiently.
With the advancements of File Designs and Metallurgy,( NiTi Files ) can facilitate the management of the preparation stage.
Never like before, with all the update technologies at our office, we can perform non-surgical root canal treatment efficiently.
Why do I need another root canal treatment (retreatment)?
At times it happens with any dental procedure that a tooth that was previously treated fails to heal or a complication arises. The following can be the reasons for the failure:
– A narrow, curved or complicated canal anatomy was not properly treated
– Delay of the permanent restoration
– A fracture of the tooth
– A loose, cracked, broken crown or filling lead to a new infection to the tooth
This is when a RETREATING of the root canal treatment may be a second chance to save a tooth.